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Cysto Gastronomy

Cysto gastronomy

Cystogastrostomy is a surgical procedure performed to create a connection between a cyst or pseudocyst and the stomach. This procedure is commonly used in the management of pancreatic pseudocysts or other cystic lesions in the abdominal area.

Why and when is it done

The goals of cystogastrostomy are to create a controlled connection between the cyst or pseudocyst and the stomach, allowing the cystic fluid to drain into the gastrointestinal system for elimination

The procedure is typically done for the following reasons:

  • A pancreatic pseudocyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms as a complication of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or pancreatic trauma.
  • Cysts in other abdominal organs or structures, such as the liver or spleen, can occasionally require cystogastrostomy if they become symptomatic, large, or cause complications such as infection, pain, or organ dysfunction.
  • Cystogastrostomy may be performed when conservative management approaches, such as observation, medical therapy, or drainage with a percutaneous drain, have been unsuccessful in resolving the cyst or pseudocyst or relieving symptoms.

Benefits of Cystogastrostomy

Cystogastrostomy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be an alternative to open surgery in certain cases. It offers the advantages of reduced surgical trauma, shorter recovery time, and potentially fewer complications compared to more invasive surgical approaches.

Risks associated with Cystogastrostomy

Like any surgical procedure, cystogastrostomy carries certain risks and potential complications.

These can include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • The connection created between the cyst or pseudocyst and the stomach may occasionally leak
  • Fistula formation
  • Injury to surrounding structures during the procedure
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia, contrast agents, or other medications used during the procedure.

How is the procedure performed

The procedure involves the following steps:

  • General anesthesia is administered to for a pain free procedure
  • An incision is made in the abdominal wall to access the cyst or pseudocyst.
  • A small opening or communication is created between the cyst or pseudocyst and the stomach wall. This is usually done by suturing or stapling the cyst wall to the stomach wall, creating a connection.
  • In some cases, a drain or stent may be placed to maintain the patency of the connection and allow any fluid or contents from the cyst to drain into the stomach.
  • After completing the cystogastrostomy, the incisions are closed with sutures or staples, and appropriate wound care is provided.